This week marked a momentous occasion in the life of Africa Volunteer Corps. On Saturday, January 14, 2012 the pilot group of Tanzanian volunteers arrived in Moshi. They spent the weekend settling in and exploring Rau, the area of Moshi where the AVC office is located. On Monday, January 16 they began their orientation, which will last for two weeks. We started the morning with introductions and a discussion of what they expected from the year with AVC, and there was no shortage of energy and ideas in the room.
All are excited about the opportunity to share and exchange knowledge—with the community and with each other–learning from their peers, gaining a better understanding of the needs of Tanzanians, and having an opportunity to share their skills and ideas with others. Several said they are eager to learn about more resources for helping those in need and Tanzania more generally—sources and strategies for funding, ways to work together as a group in order to leverage their energy, and ways to provide sustainable, long-lasting help for those with whom they work. Some look forward to having outlets to use their skills to help a specific sector of society about which they are passionate, providing early childhood education, for example, or helping street children and orphans.
The trainer for the afternoon session said afterwards, “This is a great group. They are so engaged and full of questions. I really enjoyed teaching them.”
We are excited and grateful to have such a passionate group and we can’t wait to see what develops as the year continues.