Following My Desire to Help

Nuru Wilfred is a member of AVC’s 2013 Class of Volunteers. She spent this year volunteering as a teacher at Kilimahewa Education Trust. 

AVC Volunteer Nuru Wilfred

I have always been interested in activities that offer opportunities for helping people. I recently volunteered with AVC at Kilimahewa Education Trust to pursue this interest. My experience with AVC allowed me to help many people and make many friends.

Coming to Kilimahewa, I felt needed. There were so many things for me to do such as to teach, play with the kids, and teach computer classes. People kept coming and asking for assistance. Even though I was so busy, I was rarely tired because I was always rewarded with sincere words of gratitude. The appreciation people had made my work meaningful.

Nuru with her students at Kilimahewa

Kilimahewa was not my first experience volunteering. Previously, I worked with a center for people living with HIV/ AIDS. I used my time there for assisting the sick and disabled. I enjoyed seeing that even with my limited medical knowledge, I was able to help them. My biggest reward was the grateful smiles of the patients. I would entertain them with my personal stories and distract them temporarily from the daily realities of their illness.

I would say that these people were a real support for me too. We developed friendships that allowed me to share the everyday happenings of my life and ask them for advice on different issues. These experiences helped me and made my patients feel valued.

My experience volunteering convinced me that I have to follow my desire to use my career to help people. I have gained so much as an AVC volunteer. Because of this experience, I know that I can stand on my own to establish a business or organization. Thanks to AVC, I am confident enough to handle it.