Visualize Change 2012

Please join us Tuesday, October 9th for Visualize Change 2012, 5:30-9:30 pm at Macaulay Honors College, City University of New York.

Visualize Change is an event to change the conversation about Africa, to create opportunities for nuanced and informed dialogues based on reality rather than stereotypes, to emphasize local voices in the conversation about African development, and to encourage positive action. Organized in partnership with AfriMETRO, the Council of Young African Leaders, and the CUNY University Student Senate our goal is to inform and inspire while raising funds for Africa Volunteer Corps.

We will screen short films portraying positive and empowering stories about Africa, a panel discussion with experts, and presentation of the 1st Africa Volunteer Corps Action Award to honor a leader for positive action in Africa. We will also have a reception catered by African restaurants and a silent auction.

Macaulay Honors College
35 West 67th Street New York, NY 10023

Recipient of the Africa Volunteer Corps Action Award: Saran Kaba Jones, Founder of FACE Africa


Africa Rising (62 mins) portrays the grassroots movement to end female genital mutilation. Traveling through Burkina Faso, Mali, Kenya, Somalia, and Tanzania, the film shows the ground-up movement to change a centuries-old tradition from within and the incredible power of locals to make a difference in their own communities.

The Thing That Happened (22 mins) profiles Hope North Vocational and Secondary School, a sanctuary for children affected by the civil war in northern Uganda, be they former child soldiers, orphans, or displaced persons. Founded by Ugandan Okello Sam, Hope North is an inspiring example of the possibilities of healing, humanity, and local activism.


Paula Heredia, Director of Africa Rising

Divine Muragijimana, President of the Council of Young African Leaders and Editor-in-Chief of Applause Africa

Representatives from Sanctuary For Families

Special Guest Appearance by Directors of the Salama Center, one of AVC’s local NGO placements in Tanzania.

Tickets available at