Development Starts with Us

A blog post from Founding Director Jafari Msaki Before I founded Africa Volunteer Corps with Caitlin Kelley, I was a volunteer. Through that experience, I realized that the culture of volunteerism is not well-practiced in Tanzania and that we need to work to change the negative mindset towards volunteering. I want to show people that […]

What I’ve Learned with AVC

Lilian James Mtui is the Office Manager at AVC’s office in Moshi. She volunteered with AVC in 2013 at Comfort Women’s Center as a teacher and social worker after graduating from Moshi University of Cooperatives and Business Studies with a Bachelor of Arts in Community Economic Development. AVC’s work is valuable because it empowers local […]

The Power of Local Volunteers

April is Volunteer Appreciation Month! Here at AVC, we spend a lot of time telling you about what the Volunteers are up to, but we want to take this opportunity to explain exactly why we do what we do. AVC is built on the principle that Africans working to solve African issues can create positive, […]

Understanding Challenges to Find Solutions

Philemon Alexander recently left AVC in order to pursue an opportunity with the National Bureau of Statistics where he will be a Data Collector in the field. We are proud of Philemon and his accomplishments as an AVC Volunteer. Read his blog post about his experience volunteering below. My name is Philemon Alexander. It’s my […]

Celebrating Women’s History Month

March is Women’s History Month. At their group discussion, the AVC Volunteers and staff reflected on Women’s Day and Women’s History Month. Here’s what they had to say.  “Women have a lot of capabilities. They are the backbone of this economy. If her husband is working, you may find that a woman is uneducated and […]

I am an instrument to create change

Dinah Mohonge is a second year AVC Volunteer. She spent last year volunteering at Shalom Care House in Mwanza. Currently, Dinah volunteers at Upendo Arts Association in Moshi. Read her reflection below.  I joined the AVC movement in order to serve my community and broaden my career network. Now in my second year as an […]

Adventuring Abroad with AVC

Hannah Pantaleo is an intern with Africa Volunteer Corps. She is spending three months in Tanzania, learning about nonprofit management and leadership in the developing world. Here is Hannah’s reflection on life and work in Tanzania so far. “We must take adventures in order to know where we truly belong.” I came across this quote […]

Congratulations to the 2013 & 2014 Volunteers!

Last Friday, we held a ceremony at Africa Volunteer Corps to honor the 2013 Class of Volunteers. Each Volunteer was presented with a Certificate of Achievement for the successful completion of their service. They dedicated the last year (and in some cases the last two years) to making a real impact in their communities.  All […]

Looking Back, Looking Forward

2013 was a very exciting year. Our second year with Volunteers really showed how our program is taking shape, and I am pretty blown away by what I have seen. So what excited me most about 2013? 1. Watching the Volunteers change over the past 2 years. Some of our first ever Volunteers are wrapping […]

Celebrating Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela fought for freedom and equality in South Africa and although he passed away, he is remembered across the globe for his efforts to make the world a better place. The 2013 Class of AVC Volunteers used their last group discussion to reflect on the life and work of Mandela. Here are a few […]